Unveiling the Truth: Did Joe Biden Undergo a Facelift?

Speculations about politicians’ appearances are nothing new, and the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, is no exception. Rumors have been swirling about whether or not Biden has undergone a facelift. While it’s not uncommon for public figures to seek cosmetic enhancements, the question remains: Did Joe Biden get a facelift? Let’s delve into the facts and unveil the truth.

What Sparked the Rumors?

The rumors about Biden’s possible facelift began circulating during the 2020 presidential campaign. Observers noted that Biden’s appearance seemed to have changed, with his skin appearing smoother and tighter than in previous years. Some speculated that this could be the result of a facelift, a common cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to give the face a more youthful appearance.

What Do Experts Say?

Several plastic surgeons, who have not treated Biden, have weighed in on the speculation. While they all agree that Biden’s appearance has changed over the years, they have differing opinions on whether a facelift is the cause. Some believe that Biden may have had a facelift, while others suggest that less invasive procedures, such as Botox or fillers, could be responsible for the changes in his appearance.

What Does Biden Say?

Joe Biden has never publicly confirmed or denied having a facelift. In a 2008 interview with the Observer, he did admit to having had hair transplants in the 1980s. However, he has not commented on any other cosmetic procedures.

Why Does It Matter?

Whether or not Biden has had a facelift is ultimately his personal business. However, the speculation raises interesting questions about ageism and appearance in politics. It’s worth noting that cosmetic procedures are not uncommon among politicians, who are under constant public scrutiny and often feel pressure to maintain a youthful appearance.


Without a confirmation from Biden himself or his medical team, it’s impossible to say for certain whether he has had a facelift. What is clear, however, is that his appearance has changed over the years. Whether this is due to cosmetic procedures, natural aging, or a combination of both, remains a topic of speculation.

It’s important to remember that while it’s natural to be curious about public figures’ appearances, it’s also essential to focus on their policies and actions. After all, these are the factors that truly define a politician’s legacy.